Yoga and Detox day 2: Feeling drained but I have so many reasons to be grateful...

It is the 2nd day of my detox. I feel drained of energy but it's natural in the beginning of the detox.

I'm very grateful today I've been to the Soho House in Stockholm, they just opened. That is such a beautiful building, I used to go there a lot in the beginning of my sobriety. I was in that church where they built the sew house so it was such a wonderful experience. I absolutely love and have such fond memories from childhood and from my early recovery. In the basement where we had lunch there was Cecconi’s. Cecconi’s is one of my favourite restaurants in Los Angeles. They had this triple ravioli that I love.

Gemma is getting her big teeth so she's in so much pain. I'm very grateful that Gemma my young girl loves her kindergarten. I know a lot of of parents doesn't have that situation with their children

We're going to focus on twists again today for our 30 days detox.

I'm sharing my full detox on my Patreons, if you would like to join me, you can check out my Patreon page here

Cat and Cow - improves posture and balance. It bring flexibility with the spine as it stretches the back, torso and neck. Helps a lot with back pains.

Down Dog - strengthens bit the lower and upper body. At the same time it helps stimulates blood flow. It would be helpful to improves posture.

Back Twist - Stretches the muscles of the back

Lizard yoga pose - stretching and releasing tense hips, and groins.

Child's yoga pose - stretches back and hip muscles.

Butterfly yoga pose - helps loosen up your low back, hips, and inner thighs

Note: If you are pregnant, nursing, on medication, or have a medical condition, I would suggest consulting your physician first. What I am sharing here is what best fits me and I hope it goes well with you.